
I went 123 days without a sip of coffee šŸ˜±šŸ˜±

And alsoā€¦

101 days without a glass of whisky (or any alcohol for that matter)

70 days without applying ChapStick to my lips

and 43 days of not using the internet or any apps on my phone (!!!)

Challenge Mode activated, baby!! And it feels great! Also ā€“ kinda boring, lol, but super proud of myself for pulling it off so far and honestly canā€™t believe I even have. Who gives up all this stuff at the same time??!

But more on that in a bitā€¦


Hello!!! Itā€™s been a while! šŸ˜

And itā€™s completely my fault.

I made it my mission this year to swap out ā€œscreen timeā€ with more ā€œreal lifeā€ time, and Iā€™ve gotten so good at it that I almost forgot the internet still exists, hahaā€¦

But Iā€™ve missed you and Iā€™m back now! And I hope your $$$ is still going strong! Anything juicy happen since Iā€™ve been away?? Still saving and budgeting your hearts out? I just checked and itā€™s been exactly 6 months since my last post to yā€™all (!!!) which is way too longā€¦

As for us, life continues to be good and our health and wealth are trucking along nicely. Definitely lower on the income side of things since thatā€™s what happens when you unofficially retire, lol, but thankfully the decisions of younger J$ hooked us up to be just fine šŸ˜‰ Even without adding anything extra our net worth continues to grow! The power of compounding at its finest!

But while I havenā€™t been ā€œworkingā€ much, I have been channeling all that time and energy into somewhere else: myself.

Last yearā€™s ā€œProject of Meā€ continues in full force, and now on top of the juicing and working out and volunteering and yogaā€™ing every day, Iā€™ve added a few more life improvements to the mix. Or rather, improved *habits*. Not that any of these were all too terrible really, but itā€™s always good to hit ā€œresetā€ every now and then to see what you truly need in life, you know?

And I decided to hit the hardest, most trickiest, habit first: COFFEE!!

coffee gif

Something I love and devour every single day, but something Iā€™m sure my body doesnā€™t exactly appreciate. I had been slowly trimming it down over the years, going from 3-4 cups/day to 2-3 cups and then most recently just 1 cup/day, but never in my 25 years of drinking it have I dared to go cold turkey. I mean, why would you do that to yourself??! šŸ˜‚

But once the seed gets planted I canā€™t leave things alone until I go ALL IN, and one day I just woke up and thought, ā€œToday is the day ā€“ no more coffee!ā€ and that was that.

The first week was a bitch, not gonna lie (those headaches are real! Especially when your life is full of rowdy little boys!) but eventually I stopped thinking about it and learned to live my life as I had the first 20 years of it šŸ™‚

I donā€™t know if itā€™s had a super big impact on me, other than chilling me out more and maybe lessening some anxiety (I feel more ā€œevenā€ these days, like, no more huge HIGHS or LOWS, but just kinda sorta floating in the MIDDLE, if that makes sense?) but it is amazing how fast our bodies can adapt when given the chance. Life without coffee seems just as normal now as life was with it! And in the process I learned that I really enjoy decaf teas, such as lemon-ginger which Iā€™m currently drinking as I type this, as well as the turmeric based, ā€œGolden Latteā€ ā€“ a real treat if youā€™ve never tried!

Itā€™s also been a great reminder of how powerful a force *momentum* can be. The beginning stages are always the hardest, but as time goes on you get better and better with less effort until the point of not even really paying attention anymore. Not unlike saving or investing really!

Even more importantly ā€“ doing these little challenges helps prime you up for even MORE challenges in life. Momentum breeds momentum, and similar to what happened last year when I joined that soccer league, which then got me to start eating and drinking better, which then got me to start exercising more, one positive act propels you to another until youā€™re left with a string of better habits stacked on top of each other.

30 days into the Coffee Challenge I then took on a 31 day Meditation Challenge, which then led to a 21-day Inversion Challenge, and then a random No ChapStick Challenge (??) and then finally a No Internet on Your Phone Challenge which is my present dare Iā€™ve taken onā€¦ A dare, of course, I dared myself with šŸ˜‰

Hereā€™s more on each for those curious:

31 Day Meditation Challenge ā€“ If youā€™ve always wanted to try meditation but didnā€™t know how, this is an easy way to get started. You just set the timer for 5 minutes and then sit there and do nothing except try and focus on your breath. Which you can never do all the way, of course, but you still try and eventually get better at it. When the 5 mins are up youā€™re done and hopefully feel a bit more peaceful! Then you repeat for the next 30 days šŸ‘

If you crave a little harder challenge, which I was, you do the same 5 mins every day BUT you add 1 more minute on top of it with each passing day. So, day 1 is 5 mins, day 2 is 6 mins, day 3 is 7 etc etc until you realize youā€™re at 35 mins/day and feel like a monk! Itā€™s a fabulous challenge if youā€™re into such things, and of course the hope is that you continue with it until it becomes a daily habit ā€“ even if not for long. (Iā€™ve found the sweet spot for me is 7 minutes, which I can easily slip in any time of the day!)

21 Day Inversion Challenge ā€“This is a yoga challenge a friend of mine and I did together, but even if youā€™re not into yoga you could try it (just be careful!). With this challenge all you have to do is get *upside down* once a day which is supposedly really good for you (something about the blood rushing down and then back up to improve flow?). But ā€“ itā€™s also just plain FUN šŸ™‚

You can do a hand stand up against the wall, or a head stand in the middle of the beach or even just have a friend dangle you at your ankles for a few seconds! šŸ˜‚ As long as you get upside down every day youā€™ve accomplished the mission.

No ChapStick Challenge ā€” This is going to sound weird, but next to coffee this was probably the hardest challenge Iā€™ve ever taken on, hahaā€¦ Iā€™d never realized how engrained of a habit this was until learning that my brother has only used it like once or twice in his entire life??! I was shocked! I told him I probably apply it at least 5-6x day automatically without even thinking about it, and that itā€™s one of the three things I *always* carry in my pocket:

  1. Phone
  2. Money clip
  3. Chapstick (or a variation of ā€“ this isnā€™t to shame Chapstick the brand, I donā€™t have anything against them, lolā€¦ unless the rumors are true that they put *addictive* substances in it which would 100% explain my obsessive behavior with it!!!)

He then told me I needed to take it on as my next challenge, and 70 days later I have still yet to apply a single swipe! šŸ™‚ Though I did early on have to apply some Vaseline as WOW were my lips not happy as they were adjusting!! And I couldnā€™t count the number of times I reached into my pockets to get the Chapstick only to remember it wasnā€™t there anymore, lolā€¦ So itā€™s kind of a minimalism and savings win too! One less thing to carry around, and one less thing to purchase too ā€“ woo!

No Internet on Your Phone Challenge ā€” This one came about after just being tired of being on my phone one day and seeing everyone else on theirs too. Which this challenge doesnā€™t exactly solve (if anything it gets you to realize how MUCH everyone else is on their phone!) but it is a good start to breaking your own scrolling habits.

In a nutshell, you just stop opening up any apps outside of those made for communication (like text, calling, etc) and then see if you can survive šŸ˜‰

I started it on vacation which is probably the worst time to start since you usually have so much downtime!, but it did help re-focus my attention on real life and nature and has been great for my mental health too. I have since sneaked in the maps app and allowed for the camera and one or two other more *productive* apps too, but so far it looks like Iā€™ve broken the habit of haphazard scrolling and getting lost to time. Iā€™d bet I use the phone at least 50% less now!

(Another trick to not picking it up as much? Wearing a watch! It canā€™t suck you in like when you go to your phone to check what time it is!)


And thatā€™s where we are today šŸ™‚ Looking for the next good challenge!! lolā€¦ You have any for me?

But while it may look like Iā€™m trying to devoid myself of all the best things in life, the point as mentioned earlier is more to break myself out of my daily habits that have essentially been on auto-pilot for years and then reinstitute better ones. Some things like the coffee and alcohol Iā€™ve slowly introduced back in again ā€“ having my first glass of whisky last week, and my first cup of coffee the week prior (it all tastes so much better in moderation!) ā€“ while the ChapStick and phone scrolling ban still remains fully in tact.

And of course, you can do all this with your finances too! In fact, thatā€™s where my love of pushing myself all started from ā€“ when I took on a ā€œNo Spending Challengeā€ back in 2008 and tried to get a handle on where all my money was going! The first week was the hardest (I kept forgetting and finding myself in stores!) but eventually the new habit kicked in long enough where I trusted myself to start spending again without overdoing it.

A few years later, I decided to up my game even further and go through *every last expense* I had and either nix them completely or lower them enough without affecting my quality of life. I dubbed this the ā€œChallenge Everythingā€ experiment, and at the end of 12 months I had saved $5,484.07 and forever cut out $200/mo going forward! Half of it coming from swapping cell phone carriers alone which netted me $100+/mo (I swapped Verizon for Republic Wireless which no longer exists, and eventually landed at Mint Mobile which I LOVE. Only $25/mo!*)

challenge everything savings chart

And then of course thereā€™s getting into the habit of investing more and paying off debts and all other kinds of challenges you could take on to better improve your future.

Here are some of the ones weā€™ve featured over the years if youā€™re pumped and ready to take some on!

The trick is just starting with one area and then letting the momentum (and confidence!) keep building and propelling you further into others. And remember ā€“ it gets easier the more you flex that muscle!

Anyways, thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been up to these past 6 months šŸ™‚ Hope youā€™ve been learning and getting into some fun stuff too! I really thought this was going to be a steady normal year over here and then BAM ā€“ the fire was lit and the sparks started flying! Hahaā€¦ But I love itā€¦ You gotta be constantly changing in order to grow and I welcome every last bit of it.

See you back here again soon! Thanks for reading šŸ™‚

j. money signature

// Top painting by my 6 year old, titled ā€œEYE BLEEDINGā€ lolā€¦ Pretty much exactly how I felt the first few days of these challenges!! šŸ˜‚

* Mint mobile link is an affiliate linkā€¦ and also the best phone carrier around! Even Deadpool uses it!

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